(Almost) everyone wants to be successful in life. But from our day-to-day observation, one thing is crystal clear that not everyone can reach the apex of success. There could be enormous reasons behind a man's failure but one of the reasons with bolded letters could be the lack of Emotional Intelligence (EI).

So, what is emotional intelligence? The answer is quite simple. In my words, emotional intelligence is how you control your emotions towards others or yourself. But if you are looking for a professional's answer then emotional intelligence is: "the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically." (source: Oxford Languages). Here two words are important to understand, one is "judiciously" and the other one is "empathetically". You've to keep a balance between these two parameters while you emotionally act towards any human being. 

Image from the internet

As I'm a student from the University of Dhaka, I often have to deal with these two parameters likely I'm knowing that one of my friends is doing something wrong (Everyone can do things wrong, including me) so I should express my opinion to my friend, but my judgmental tendency could break his/her heart or could make him/her mad at me. Thus, a storm could raise in our relationship. On the other hand, If I empathetically act and support my friend to do the thing which I found wrong could have come with some other worst consequences. So, what should I do? Should I act "judiciously" or should I act "empathetically"? 

Luckily our life is not Binary and between Yes/No, we have other options where Emotional Intelligence could measure the percentage between being judicious or empathetic. But it is not always easy to measure the percentage unless one knows the pros and cons of the consequences or unless one doesn't have a higher Emotional Intelligence. 

A person’s EI score depends on a series of abilities. You can measure yours by the following points: 

1. Self-Awareness

  • Emotional Self-Awareness: the ability to know yourself and understand your feelings.

  • Accurate Self-Assessment: understanding your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Self-Confidence: having faith in yourself to put yourself forward.

2. Self-Management

  • Emotional Self-Control: controlling your feelings and expressing them in the appropriate settings. It is an important part of emotional maturity.

  • Achievement: trying to be goal-oriented and being able to work toward that goals.

  • The initiative: being self-motivated and having the ability to keep working despite setbacks.

  • Transparency: being honest and open, interacting with integrity, and being trustworthy.

  • Adaptability: showing resilience, and the ability to change course when necessary.

  • Optimism: having a positive vibe and hoping for the best.

3. Social Awareness

  • Empathy: one of the pillars of the ability to form connections with others, understanding and acknowledging others’ emotions.

  • Service Orientation: being helpful, contributing to the group effort, and displaying good listening skills.

  • Organizational Awareness: the ability to explain yourself well and be aware of how you are being understood, as well as sensing the level of comprehension of your audience.

4. Relationship Management

  • Inspirational Leadership: trying to be a good mentor, role model, and authority figure.

  • Conflict Management: having the skills to improve relationships, negotiate, and lead. The ability to settle disputes, differences of opinion, and misunderstandings.

  • Change Catalyst: recognizing and supporting the need for change, and making it happen.

  • Developing others: helping others build their skills and knowledge.

  • Teamwork and Collaboration: effectively working with others.

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However, you might think that Emotional Intelligence is only for your personal development; but "no"; EI is not that confined rather it has a vast and varieties of applications, models, and methods. It helps a company or an organization to become more productive, helps a community to grow, helps a nation to prosper, and helps the world to be a better place. 

If you simply do short research then you'll find that a lot of top-rated companies even in Bangladesh are now considering new employees' Emotional Intelligence while hiring. Simultaneously a lot of other companies are focused to train their employees' mental and emotional stability with intelligence. So, you could jump a little forward in this race if you already know and can prove yourself as an emotionally intelligent and stable person. 

Here I'm sharing some links on EI which I found helpful. You could go through them if you want to know more.

( If you somehow ended up reading all of these bluffs of mine then you must have a high level of tolerance. Really appreciate that, will you teach me how to be tolerant like you? Please? )

About the Author:

SM Abidur Rahman Avro is a 3rd-year leather product engineering student of the University of Dhaka. Apart from his active involvement in career and debating club, he has a varied interest in the field of arts and literature.