"Do you know what true love actually is? When you leave them for the sake of Allah and pray to Allah that if you both aren’t meant to be together in this temporary duniya, Allah reunites you both in the everlasting jannah where your love never dies."

-Mufti Ismail Menk 

How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you.

Alhamdulillah for everything. Slowly but steadily I am feeling the aftermath of maintaining the deen of Islam in my life. To be honest, it’s so much placid and I firmly believe that something good is going to happen in the future ins_sha _Allah.

Allah evaluates our deen in this materialistic world through different tests and rewards us commensurate with the magnitude of their difficulties. Let me clarify this with a common analogy with our education system. Starting from the primary level, you need to go through a test in order to be promoted to the next level. In the beginning, the tests are pretty easy, but they successively get difficult at every level until we reach the topmost one. The students of grade one only learn basic calculation and counting,.whereas in high school they practise algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and other rigorous mathematical processes to crack public certificate exams like J.S.C., S.S.C., and H.S.C. Only then you can study for your bachelor's, master's, and other higher degrees at university; but throughout this whole process you have to be assiduous and consistent; maybe sometimes you have to spend sleepless nights before the submission of assignments or term exams. The closeness with Allah(SWT) applies the same rules, the bigger the test,the bigger the reward.

I don't feel disappointed, rather I am always in hope, and contended. I can clearly remember the wretched period of my life when I was misguided by my Nafs, and then Allah has given me direction. His mercy was beyond my expectations. To me, every day is a test. You have to embrace it with a firm belief in Allah; only then you can hope for the best of your life and future. And one reminder- Never lose hope.

Love from Allah, Image from pinterest

Once I was a die-hard fan of Humayun Ahmed sir and used to read his novels during my high school days. But now, I find his novels silly. So yes, people change; their taste, perspective, thinking capabilities- everything changes. All I can say that the famous quote of Sir Richard Feynman-

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool"

I believe in miracles, always love to think that something miraculous is going to happen in my life. By this, I try to bring a thrill to my mundane life. If you have a good connection with Allah, you will be rewarded with the right thing at the right time. Allah will make everything easy for you if you are on good terms with Him. So, make your maker happy, make a good connection with Him. Otherwise, you are going to get neither inner nor outer peace of mind.


Vikarunnessa Lira is a BSc engineering student of Dhaka University. She is a practising Muslim and loves to explore the different aspects of Islam.